Blue tit Factfile
Blue tits are a delightful and entertaining small bird which are a frequent visitor to garden bird feeders and tables, performing skillful acrobatics to obtain food such as peanuts and suet. Blue tits are easily recognised by their blue cap and wings, white cheeks and yellow body. Blue tits are by far the most common species of tit in the UK, and will readily breed in nest boxes put up in gardens. The Blue tit’s song is fairly quiet but also quite distinctive – have a listen below.
Video footage of Blue tits
Blue tit nesting and breeding habits
Blue tits nest in tree holes and nest boxes from March to June, laying 5-12 eggs which the female incubates. Blue tit eggs are white with red flecks, which hatch after 14 days . The young Blue tit chicks leave the nest at 18 days old and are fully independent after 4 weeks. Blue tits have one or two broods per year depending on the availability of food.
Of all our common garden birds, Blue tits are one of the easiest to encourage to nest if the right nest box is put up in the right position. We have a range of suitable Blue tit next boxes you can view here, with the hole size for Blue tits ideally being 25mm or 28mm. For more information on Blue tit nest boxes and where to position them in your garden, have a watch of the two videos here.
Blue tit history and population trends
Although Blue tit numbers have increased in the UK over the last 40 years, for some reason the number seen in individual gardens has actually declined a little since the 1970s. However, this could simply be because the population is being spread over more gardens as the popularity of feeding garden birds has grown in recent decades.
Behaviour traits of Blue tits
Outside of the breeding season, Blue tits can be quite gregarious and will feed in small groups which often include other species of tit. Nearly always active and highly dexterous, Blue tits are able to cling onto walls, fences and other structures in the garden to find hiding insects and other invertebrates.
Blue tit diet and food
During summer, the Blue tit’s diet comprises mainly of small insects, caterpillars, spiders and invertebrates such as millipedes. In urban and rural areas, Blue tits will continue to feed in gardens where food is provided. In the spring Blue tits will also feed on tree buds, often causing damage to fruit trees. In the winter months Blue tits will seek out insects and other invertebrates from crevices in trees and buildings, but a key source of food is that put out in gardens. Here they will eat black sunflower seeds which they hold in their feet and chisel off the husk with their bill to get at the heart. They also feed on peanuts in mesh feeders and any of our suet products. Blue tits also like mixes such as High Energy Mix, which they’ll take from a hanging feeder or table.
What should I feed Blue tits?
We recommend the following products to help attract Blue tits to your garden.
Bird Food
Frequently Asked Questions
Do Blue tits migrate?
In the UK, Blue tits do not migrate and indeed most stay relatively close to the area they were born in. However, a very large number of Blue tits from northern Europe migrate to the UK for the winter months, and this because our winters are typically far less cold.
When do Blue tits fledge the nest?
Blue tits leave the nest when they’re between 18 and 21 days old, and then become fully independent from their parents a few weeks later.
How long do Blue tits nest for?
Adult Blue tits incubate their eggs – up to 10 of them – for around 14 days, then feed the chicks in the nest for a further 18 to 21 days until the young birds leave the nest.
When do Blue tits start nesting?
Generally, Blue tits start nest building in late March – which then allows them to benefit from when trees come into leaf and therefore caterpillars are available to feed to their young come late April and early May.
Do Blue tits return to the same nest?
It is possible that individual Blue tits will return to the same nest box to breed the following year, though will only do so if the old nest is removed – which should ideally be done during September or October. However, it’s worth keeping in mind that, like most small songbirds, Blue tits have a very short average lifespan of about three years, and therefore this reduces the likelihood of the same individual birds breeding again in a specific nest box.