Latest News

Latest What’s is in a name?

Our guest blogger Andrew Cooper gives the answer to: when is a worm not a worm?

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Garden birdwatching - a guide for beginners
Latest News Garden birdwatching - a guide for beginners

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The change is evident
Latest News The change is evident

Our guest blogger Phil Pickin reminisces that Swifts would always herald the summers of his childhood

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Birds feed birds - and a whole load of other animals
Latest News Birds feed birds - and a whole load of other animals

Our guest blogger Phil Pickin, observes a great example of nature working in harmony around his bird table

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A surprise guest for tea
Latest News A surprise guest for tea

Our guest blogger, Andrew Cooper, saw a wild otter recently which sparked a memory of his first encounter

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Enjoying a Natural Spa
Latest News Enjoying a Natural Spa

Our guest blogger Andrew Cooper on how Jays use the toxic formic acid from ants, to rejuvenate their feathers

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Spring has sprung, so let’s hope for some dry weather
Latest News Spring has sprung, so let’s hope for some dry weather

Our guest blogger Phil Pickin discusses the impact of all the wet weather on bird decline

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Dartmoor Tales
Latest News Dartmoor Tales

Our guest blogger Andrew Cooper talks of the largest and last great wild landscape in southern Britain

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A little helping hand
Latest News A little helping hand

Our guest blogger Phil Pickin discusses how, if we could all do a little bit, we can help the birds in our gardens

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So this is who's dirtying the bird bath!
Latest News So this is who's dirtying the bird bath!

Guest blogger Phil Pickin has been watching clever Magpies use bird baths to moisten their dry meals

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When do garden birds start nesting in the UK?
Latest News When do garden birds start nesting in the UK?

It's never too soon to think about encouraging birds to nest in your garden

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The value of fallen leaves to garden birds and other wildlife
Latest News The value of fallen leaves to garden birds and other wildlife

To tidy or not to tidy - what do we do with the fallen leaves in our garden?

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New Partnership with the BTO
Latest News New Partnership with the BTO

Find out more about our new partnership with the British Trust for Ornithology

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Autumn windfall
Latest News Autumn windfall

Our guest blogger Andrew Cooper looks forward to the apple harvest in Devon

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It’s that time of year again
Latest News It’s that time of year again

Our guest blogger Phil Pickin says goodbye to summer & hello to Autumn

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Seals at Summer’s End
Latest News Seals at Summer’s End

From Scilly to Shetland, August to October, Grey Seals give birth to most of their pups. Latest blog from Andrew Cooper

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Swings and roundabouts
Latest News Swings and roundabouts

Our guest blogger Phil Pickin is sorry not to see any Blue tits in his garden, but has seen more swallows, swifts and house martins than previous years

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