Green woodpecker Factfile
The Green woodpecker is the largest of the three woodpeckers that breeds in the UK, and is unmistakable with green plumage on its back and with a bright red top to the head, with the plumage on its under body a lighter green. Male and female Green woodpeckers look very similar, but can be told apart by looking at the black ‘moustache’ on the cheek of the face, which on the male bird has a red centre but is just black on the female. Juvenile Green woodpeckers lack the defined black facial moutache, have a much less strong red colour on the top of the head, plus have heavily speckled plumage overall.
Typically, and unlike the Great spotted and Lesser spotted woodpecker, Green woodpeckers will be seen feeding on the ground – including in large gardens – where they search for their main source of food which is ants, their larvae and eggs. The call of the Green woodpecker is especially memorable and is a loud laughing sound.
Green woodpecker nesting and breeding habits
The nest site of the Green woodpecker is always in a hole in a tree and usually at least one metre from the ground. The chamber is excavated by both sexes but remains unlined, with the eggs laid directly onto its base. Green woodpeckers lay six to seven eggs, and both female and male birds take part in the incubation and feeding the young. Given the tiny size and nature of the primary food of ants, the young Green woodpeckers are fed with a semi-liquid paste which is regurgitated by the adults.
Green woodpecker history and population trends
Numbers of Green woodpeckers have been on the increase since the 1960s, and in particular across England and central and eastern Scotland. The likely reason for this increase is climate change which has resulted in a higher number of milder winters over time – the species being particularly vulnerable in periods of prolonged cold weather when snow covers the ground or it is frozen.
Behaviour traits of Green woodpeckers
The most notable behaviour is how the Green Woodpecker extracts ants and their larvae from ground nests. Green woodpeckers do this by probing the ground with their bill – which is nothing like as strong as that of the Great spotted woodpecker (and doesn’t need to be) – to find an ants’ nests, and then inserts its 10cm tongue into the nest to extract ants, their larvae and eggs. The huge length of the Green woodpecker’s tongue means it wraps inside of the skull when not in use.
Green woodpecker diet and food
The diet of the Green woodpecker is almost entirely ants, their larvae and eggs, though some other invertebrates may also be taken. Green woodpeckers will also eat fruit and even pine seeds in very cold weather conditions in the winter when their main food of ants, their larvae and eggs, is hard or impossible to find. It’s estimated that a Green woodpecker will consume around 2000 ants per day.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it rare to see a Green woodpecker?
It very much depends on location, with Green woodpeckers being relatively common in the south of England in locations such as parks where there are large mature trees such as oaks, whereas the species is thinly dispersed in southern and eastern Scotland and largely absent from the remainder of the UK.
How to tell the difference between a male and female Green woodpecker?
Male and female Green woodpeckers are nearly identical, but they can be told apart by the moustache-type black stripe on the lower facial cheek, which has a red centre on the male but is solid black on the female.
How do I attract Green woodpeckers to my garden UK?
The only real way to attract Green woodpeckers to gardens, is to create habitat for ants – which is their primary food, and hence why the species feeds on the ground.
What month do Green woodpeckers fledge?
Early May is when young Green woodpeckers typically fledge the nest.
What trees do woodpeckers like the most?
Green woodpeckers feed on the ground and almost exclusively for ants, so therefore their preference for species of tree is only relevant for breeding, for which they favour old deciduous trees such as oak, beech and willow.