The largest of the thrushes we have in the UK, the presence of a Mistle thrush often becomes apparent when it blasts out its loud and somewhat tuneless song of fluted whistles from a high perch. The Mistle thrush is a fairly striking bird, with a speckled breast, pale back and distinct half-circle marking which starts behind the eye. Male and female Mistle thrushes look the same, with juveniles very similar to adults but with paler plumage on their upperparts. Aggressive and dominant, Mistle thrushes are renowned for protecting a source of berries – e.g. on a holly tree – from other birds in the winter months.

The Mistle thrush has historically also been called the ‘Storm cock’, which comes from its habit of still singing from an exposed perch in wet and windy weather during the late winter (the species breeds very early in the season) and spring months.


What sound does a Mistle thrush make?

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Mistle thrush nesting and breeding habits

The Mistle thrush is one of our earliest breeding songbirds, with eggs sometimes laid as early as February. The nest of the Mistle thrush is built in the fork of a tree or bush, and consists of grass, plant stems, roots and moss, and held together with mud. It is built by the female Mistle thrush alone which also takes full responsibility for brooding the clutch of 4-5 eggs. Two broods per year are usual, with both parents feeding the young.

Mistle thrush history and population trends

The UK population of the Mistle thrush has suffered a serious decline since the mid-1970s, with the species now listed as red status. Two possible, and linked, reasons are cited for the decline: Decreased juvenile survival rates and modern farming methods meaning less food.

Behaviour traits of Mistle thrushes

The Mistle thrush is often seen on the ground, where it keeps its body fairly upright and hops to move forward. Outside of the breeding season, Mistle thrushes will often form small flocks which may total up to 20 birds or even more. However and in contrast to this, individual birds can be fiercely protective of a single source of berries – e.g. a lone holly tree – and fend off both other Mistle Thrushes and other species of thrush such as Blackbird and Fieldfare which after the same food.

Mistle thrush diet and food

In the breeding season and summer months, the main food of the Mistle thrush is invertebrates and in particular earthworms, slugs and snails. In the autumn and winter months, berries become a significant food type, with holly, hawthorn, yew, ivy, rowan and mistletoe all being eaten – the latter being where the species derives its name from. Fallen fruit will also be eaten, and apples left on the ground in cold weather are often a good way to attract Mistle thrushes to gardens.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you tell the difference between thrush and Mistle thrush?

There is no species of bird just called a thrush, with the name referring to a family of birds which, in the UK, includes the common breeding species of Song thrush, Blackbird and Mistle thrush. If comparing a Mistle thrush to a Song thrush, the Mistle thrush is larger, has a more upright stance when on the ground, with the breast markings being more like speckled spots, compared to the Song thrush’s more streaked arrow-shaped breast markings. During the spring and early summer months, the very different songs of the Mistle thrush and Song thrush are a surefire way to distinguish the two species - listen to the Mistle thrush song on this page and then go to our Song thrush page to compare the two.

Is a Mistle thrush bigger than a Song thrush?

Yes, the Mistle thrush is noticeably bigger than a Song thrush, plus it stands more upright whne on the ground compared to a Song thrush.

Why is it called a Mistle thrush?

The Mistle thrush name comes from the mistletoe plant, as the bird eats the berries. The Latin scientific name of the Mistle thrush, Turdus viscivora, literally translates to ‘the thrush that devours mistletoe’.

Do Mistle thrushes eat mistletoe?

Mistle thrushes eat mistletoe berries and hence where the bird’s name comes from.

Do Mistle thrushes sing?

Mistle thrushes do sing and very loudly! The song isn’t the most tuneful compared to its thrush cousins of Blackbird and Song thrush, though there are similarities with each. Have a listen to the song by clicking on the play symbol on this page.

Mistle thrush or Fieldfare?

Mistle thrush and Fieldfare are similar at a glance but there are some giveaway differences. The first one would be to look at the colour of the head, with the Fieldfare's being blue-grey which contrasts with its chestnut back, whereas the Mistle thrush's head and back are both a duller grey-brown, The breast of the Mistle thrush is white with dark round speckles which extend right down to its tale, whereas the Fieldfare's breast is rusty yellow at the top and becoming more white as it extends down, with the speckles more apparent at the top of the breast and sides, with few if any speckles at the base. The MIstle thrush is also slightly larger than the Fieldfare.