Sparrowhawk Factfile
The Sparrowhawk is arguably the most exciting of all the birds which visit our gardens, and is now a much more common sight having gone through a large population decline over many centuries – and especially during the 1950s and 60s – but has now bounced back. The female Sparrowhawk is larger than the male, and is brown on the back and wings, with brown bars on its pale underparts and breast. The adult male Sparrowhawk has a bluish slate-grey upperparts and wings, and more of an orange-brown colour to the bars on its underside and breast. Both male and female Sparrowhawks have yellow legs, which are long and with talons which are evolved to catch and hold small birds. Juvenile Sparrowhawks (up to the age of one year) have plumage which largely resembles female adults, though the breast markings are more streaked and with chevrons.
Female Sparrowhawks have a wingspan of up to 70cm, with the male’s being nearer to 55cm. Both male and female Sparrowhawks develop bright yellow eyes, though as the birds further mature the iris becomes more orange, and in some males even wine red.
Of the UK’s birds of prey, the Sparrowhawk is by far the most likely to visit gardens. Other than the larger Goshawk, which anyway is a much shyer and rarer bird of prey which doesn’t visit gardens, the Sparrowhawk cannot be confused with any other raptors – and is very different to the Kestrel which is a species of falcon rather than an accipitridae. The Sparrowhawk is also very different to the Red Kite, the Peregrine Falcon and Buzzard – all species which are fairly easy to see in different areas of the UK.
Sparrowhawk nesting and breeding habits
The male Sparrowhawk does much of the nest building, which is located in the fork of a tree or on the base of a branch against the trunk, with a preference for conifers. The nest is usually fairly high in the canopy and hidden from view, and consists of a strong platform of twigs and sometimes also lined with flakes of bark. Sparrowhawks have one brood of 3-6 eggs per season, with the incubation carried out by the female alone, then also brooding the young birds after they hatch until they’re old enough to maintain their own body temperature. During all of this time, the male Sparrowhawk provides the food for both the female and young.
Sparrowhawk history and population trends
As a species which is dependent on woodland, deforestation in the British Isles over many millennia will have greatly reduced the population of Sparrowhawks. However, persecution from gamekeepers from the 1840s (when guns became sufficiently efficient to make a negative difference) right up until 1961 when the species gained legal protection, further reduced the population. And a degree of illegal persecution of Sparrowhawks still, sadly, takes place to this day and in particular on sporting estates.
In addition to this, the use of DDT pesticides in the 1950s and 60s lead to a further dramatic decrease in the Sparrowhawk population, with the effects of the poison in the food chain leading to infertility and a thinning of egg shells which then either a) meant the developing chick died of cold, or b) the egg was broken by the female when brooding. The good news is though that, with DDT banned and out of the food chain, the population of the Sparrowhawk has bounced back strongly from the mid-1970s onwards, though has levelled out somewhat since the mid-1990s. Despite the recovery in numbers from the mid-1970s, the Sparrowhawk remains as Amber conservation status in the UK.
Behaviour traits of Sparrowhawks
Sparrowhawks are a fantastic bird to observe, with their hunting behaviour often appearing to border on lunacy as they take huge risks when maneuvering between trees and other obstacles in order to catch prey. As part of this and in the early stage of the hunt, a Sparrowhawk will attempt to approach its target out-of-sight, and therefore will use the cover of buildings, hedgerows, undulations in the ground level etc. to get as close as possible before making a final lunge – and all of this at speeds of up to 50kph. Despite all of this effort, it’s likely that only about one in ten attacks are successful and result in a kill.
The alarm call and more general call of the Sparrowhawk is a single and slightly piecing note.
Sparrowhawk diet and food
The diet of the Sparrowhawk is almost exclusively small birds, though occasionally bats may also be taken. As female Sparrowhawks are larger than males, they’re able to prey on larger birds and can even kill something up to the size of a Wood Pigeon. The male bird’s limit is up to the size of a Mistle Thrush, though for both male and female birds they’re likely to take smaller birds than those two examples. Added to which, there is no preference for a particular species of prey, with whatever is available, most numerous and easy to catch being the first choice – hence why finches are often targeted on garden bird feeders. Thrushes including Blackbirds will also be taken in gardens. During the songbird fledgling season, around 40% of the Sparrowhawk’s diet is made of young birds such as Starlings and species of tit.
Occasionally Sparrowhawks will also catch and eat small mammals and including – and perhaps surprisingly – rats.
Do Sparrowhawks reduce songbird populations?
No, overall Sparrowhawks do not reduce songbird populations, and it’s an unfortunate misconception that they do. The reality is that there’s a positive correlation between good local populations of songbirds and that of Sparrowhawks. So with sufficient prey Sparrowhawks are able to successfully breed, but with less prey they’re less likely to be successful. For context, it’s worth remembering that song bird species typically have large broods and often multiple ones in each season, and this because the level of fatalities are very high. These fatalities can be for a host of reasons, with predation by Sparrowhawks representing a relatively low number.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it rare to see a Sparrowhawk in your garden?
If bird food is put out in gardens and songbirds are attracted as a result, then Sparrowhawks are generally common visitors as well because they are, in turn, attracted by the concentration of songbirds which increases their chances of a kill and therefore getting food. This is all fine and certainly shouldn’t be of concern – indeed, having Sparrowhawks visit your garden should be seen as a privilege.
What trees do Sparrowhawks nest in?
Sparrowhawks have a preference for nesting in conifers rather than deciduous trees, but in the absence of the former will certainly still nest in the latter. In any event, the nest is built on branches close to the trunk and generally out of view from the ground.
Do Sparrowhawks stay in the same area?
Generally, yes, Sparrowhawks stay in the same area, with young birds typically going no further than 20km from the nest they were raised in. However, this is partly dependant on sufficient suitable habitat of mature woodland, or at least parks and gardens with a very high proportion of mature trees.
Do Sparrowhawks hover?
No, Sparrowhawks do not hover, with the only species of raptor routinely doing so in the UK being the Kestrel. Buzzards occasionally hover when looking for prey.
What do Sparrowhawks eat in the UK?
The main prey of Sparrowhawks is songbirds, though larger birds and including pigeons will also be taken – especially by female Sparrowhawks as they’re larger and more powerful than males. Bats may also be taken at dusk and dawn. Sparrowhawks do also sometimes prey on small rodents, and will even take rats.
How many birds does a Sparrowhawk kill in a day?
The amount of meat a Sparrowhawk needs on average per day day to survive is between 40 to 50 grams - the female being larger would be at the higher end of that average. The actual number of birds this equates to entirely depends on the size of the prey, with, for example, a Blue tit weighing around 10 grams and a Starling up to a 100 grams. As female Sparrowhawks can tackle much larger prey than males, then a Wood pigeon at 450 grams would be hugely more than it could eat (though the remainder would likely be scavenged by other birds such as Magpies). During the breeding season when the male Sparrowhawk is providing food for both the female on the nest and the chicks once they hatch, then around 10 small birds a day - so from Blue tit size up to Blackbird - might be needed.