This intriguing little bird is a joy to watch and can often be seen in gardens where, as would be expected with such a name, it creeps up and down trees. The Treecreeper is an unmistakable bird, with a white chin and underside, white eye stripe, brown back and wings with white speckles, and a thin curved bill.

What sound does a Treecreeper make?

00:00 / 00:00

Treecreeper nesting and breeding habits

The nest is typically located behind a stable flake off bark on a tree trunk, or in crevice on the trunk. The nest is a fairly loose cup of twigs, plant material and moss, then lined with softer material including wool, feathers and fine bark debris. The female incubates the five to six eggs alone, with both parents tending the young. Two broods per year are usual.

Treecreeper history and population trends

The population is currently stable and with no long-term trend either negative or positive. However, fluctuations do occur in the population from year-to-year, with the negative influence being especially wet and cold winters.

Behaviour traits of Treecreepers

Treecreepers are fascinating and fun to observe, as they make their way up and down tree trunks and limbs in search of food. Their movement is jerky and deliberate, with the tail pushed up against the tree in the way a woodpecker does. They are a solitary species in the breeding season, though, interestingly, in the winter months individual birds will often join mixed flocks of tits.

Treecreeper diet and food

The Treecreeper’s diet is made up of insects, insect larvae and spiders. Some small seeds, and especially from pine and spruce trees, are also eaten in the winter months. The species will not usually take food put out for them, however, in recent years there have been an increasing number of reports of them feeding on peanuts in a mesh feeder. Indeed, the author has witnessed this and there are video and photographic records to be found online.

What should I feed Treecreepers?

It’s unlikely that Treecreepers will feed on any food put out for birds in gardens, though they do occasionally feed on peanuts in a mesh feeder.

Bird Food

Premium Peanuts
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Premium Peanuts
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Frequently Asked Questions

Is a Treecreeper smaller than a wren?

No, a Treecreeper is actually slightly larger than a Wren.

Do Treecreepers go up or down trees?

Treecreepers go up trees when looking for food, and generally in a spiral fashion as they do so. They then fly back down to the base of the tree or to another tree and repeat the process.

What bird is similar to a Treecreeper?

In the UK there isn’t a bird similar to a Treecreeper, with the species being unique in both appearance and behaviour.

Do Treecreepers use nest boxes?

Yes, Treecreepers will use nest boxes which are specially designed for them and feature a side entrance, with the box being wedge shaped.

Are Treecreepers migratory?

Treecreepers that live in the UK do not migrate, though populations in the north of mainland Europe generally do migrate south for winter.